Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Chuseok: Lotte World

Chuseok is a major harvest festival in Korea, where people will visit there hometowns, feast with family and drink rice wine among other celebrations. To the foreigner, Chuseok is a three day holiday! five if you count the weekend, which we do. Many foreigners use this time wisely as breaks this long are rare, some use it to travel; Busan, Jeju Island, Japan and China are popular destinations for example.

What about us though, It's only a couple of weeks since we landed and we're still awaiting payday. We decided to meet up with a couple of friends from Jeonju, and head to Lotte World. It's a theme park here in Korea just south of Seoul and only an hour away from us. It only cost us 4,000 won (about £2) to get there by tube and 22,000 each to get in as we had a half price code. We had already been to Everland, another popular theme park close by, but thought a change of scenery would be nice. After all, it's meant to be the largest indoor theme park, or something to that effect.

As we walk into Lotte World, there's a huge open space where you can see all the floors and goings on, in the centre and the main focus, is the ground floor ice rink. We would have liked to have had a go but it's an additional cost to your entrance ticket. It's a strange place, inside there's the loop to loop ride, literally just a loop that just goes round and round. The standard pirate ship, although here they prefer to call it a viking ship... it's always a pirate ship to me, and other pretty standard rides that don't exactly get the heart pumping. It's a pretty small place and going on a Korean holiday was a bad idea due to the amount of people there. Shortly after we arrived a parade started, a Halloween parade full of cheap costumes, wigs and floats farting bubbles for all to enjoy.

Can we go loop de loop? 
However this is Korea, and a people can't seem to just stand by and enjoy a simple parade, they have to push, barge, shout and force their way into non-existing spaces  to get the best possible photo with their Samsung Galaxy. The best thing about it was that this was the adults, the kids really didn't seem all that bothered.

As I stood, camera at the ready to potentially capture the moment, some muppet decided he wanted in. Forcing his way in he also knocked my camera from my hand! Thank god for camera straps. Obviously a little annoyed I did what any Brit would do, I said;

"Excuse me!"

In that slightly angry tone with the expectation of an apology. What did I get, a backpack in my face as he decided he needed a step back to get a better shot. No shit, why do you think I was standing there in the first place.

Tired of the hustle and bustle from the front row of the parade, I decided to move back and find some space. No matter where I stood, someone would make it their mission to not only walk into me, but through me. One father who was in such a rush to get to the parade, was power walking dragging his daughter behind, actually led her face first right into my butt! She fell to the floor as the farther continued dragging her obliviously by the hand. The poor girl was flailing around on the floor, not knowing what's going on.

We decided that we'd had enough inside and made our way to the outside section of Lotte World. With a little more space and some fresh air, we felt instantly more comfortable here. As you come out onto a bridge you can see pretty much all the park has to offer. They have the Gyro Drop and a big drop - essentially the same ride but one spins as well. An underground roller coster, a standard roller coster, bumper cars, boat rides and other small attractions. Nothing much to write home about, yet here I am writing home about it.

The queues we're ridiculous, close to an hour just for the bumper cars. If anyone is considering a trip to Lotte World, just go to Everland instead. Lotte world is more for the pre-teen crowd in my opinion with average rides compacted into a small space which all feels very claustrophobic. The best day to go would be if you get a day off work for whatever reason, when the kids are still in school! That's what we did last Christmas with Everland and had a great time. Longest queue time was only 15 minutes. Also, they have a fantastic zoo at Everland.

For the full photo album of the day, please follow the link below.

Lotte World Photos

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